The bottom two blocks, Log cabin and Seven Sisters have turned out OK, but as to the other two! The Richmond block was rather complicated, and the measurements for an 8" block had lots of eighths in them, but mine went together very well. Until, that is, I took this photo, and thought some of the blocks looked a bit small. It wasn't the other blocks which were small, but the Richmond block which was too big - 9.5" instead of 8.5"! A bit of judicious trimming wasn't an option, as I would have ended up with no points, so out with the seam ripper! I think it would have been quicker to have made a whole new block, but hindsight is a wonderful thing! I also had some trouble with the Cotton Boll (the one like an X) as I couldn't seem to print the template out in the correct size. After a couple of failures, I made my own template, and then foolishly used the measurements on the pattern for the plain triangles. I thought they were maybe a little small, but didn't realise just how small they were till the block was together. What a mess.
Four blocks completed, only two of which were correct! Never mind, just thank goodness for seam rippers.
Here are the two offenders, now reformed characters. Phew!