Sunday, 3 January 2010


This time of year is for looking forward, and I like to make resolutions, even if I don't keep them. Last year I made some un-resolutions (things that I wasn't going to do) and did amazingly well! No Sunbonnet Sue quilts, no Suffolk Puffs, no kits and no cat fabrics entered this house. None of my quilts have been hand quilted, and I haven't started throwing away scraps (although I do draw the line at anything less than 1.5 inches!). I'm still buying too many books (Amazon's one-click facility has a lot to answer for!) and I've certainly not resigned from my three quilt groups, Project Linus or stopped blogging!

So what of this year? It was certainly a shock to see exactly how much fabric I had in my stash when we decorated DS's room (aka my old sewing room), so I have decided to go on a fabric diet! Instead of buying what I want,

(Michael Miller fabrics are the best!) I'll only buy what I need.

Since I'm a committed scrap quilter, it shouldn't be too difficult - should it?


Sew Create It - Jane said...

I've been on a fabric diet for the last year and occasionally the odd piece makes it's way through the door but generally I make do with the stuff in the is possible! :o)

Contented Caroline said...

I'm with you on the fabric diet - I can't believe I bought some of my stash and i'm determined to use them all.

Mama Spark said...

No cat fabric. Really>??? How did you manage that?? I buy that all the time. Good luck with your goals!

Sarah said...

Good luck with your fabric diet. I did try last year and wasn't too successful. I will try again this year.